Dear relatives !

as already announced in our Christmas newsletter, our next Family Day will take place from September 24 - 26, 2010.

In Wasserthaleben wirkten von 1711 bis 1847 unsere Vorfahren in vier Generationen als Pfarrer. Auf Wunsch vieler Mitglieder unseres Familienverbandes begeben wir uns auf die Spuren dieser Vorfahren und treffen uns dieses Mal ausnahmsweise in Thüringen. Die kleine Gemeinde Wasserthaleben liegt im Naturpark Kyffhäuserkreis zwischen Nordhausen und Erfurt. Wir wohnen zentral im malerischen Bad Frankenhausen auf dem “Schlachtberg”, was uns ermöglicht, mit dem Besuch in Wasserthaleben ein interessantes Ausflugsprogramm zu verbinden.

The Kyffhäuserkreis may be called the cradle of German Romanticism, although it also has a great medieval tradition. Not only the unique landscape with its gentle hills and its bizarre limestone rocks already enchanted poets like Goethe, Thieck, Uhland, Rückert and many others, but also the large number of enchanted castles and fortresses, medieval fortified towers and monastery ruins inspired folk art and poetry from Johann Gottfried Herder to Ludwig Bechstein.

Thanks to the "forward-looking economic policy" of the GDR, this area has largely remained in its ancient state (except for our hotel). However, the historic town centers, castles, churches and monuments have been largely restored in the meantime, warm brine baths, adventure spas, landscape parks have been established as well as a large number of well-maintained hiking trails and much more. The Kyffhäuserkreis is also situated in a historical location as the scene of the German Peasant Wars, the Reformation, and the 30 Years War. Furthermore, we are in the living environment of Johann Sebastian Bach. Finally, much in the Kyffhäuserkreis revolves around the legendary Frederick Barbarossa, who is said to still be sleeping deep in the rock of the Kyffhäuser mountain, waiting for his return to a peaceful, united empire...

Enough topics for a varied program. In addition, there will also be ample opportunity for socializing and conversation along the way and while sampling Thuringian food and drinks together.
We would be delighted if we could welcome as many relatives as possible to this special family day. We believe that we have put together a suitable program for young and old, so that hopefully participants of all ages will feel addressed. Through persistent negotiation, we have made every effort to keep travel costs as low as possible to save your wallets as much as possible. If necessary, we will help to organize your arrival and departure. All further information can be found in the program and on the registration form, which you should fill out and return to us by June 30, 2010 at the latest.


Many dear greetings
